Directions to West Park Centre, Spen Lane, Leeds, LS16 5BE.

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Driving directions for West Park. The Centre is approximately 4 miles from the centre of Leeds, located not far from the point where the road from Leeds to Otley (the A660) crosses the Leeds ring road (the A6120).

Travelling from the South (central Leeds) either head directly for the Leeds ring road, or go to the centre of town and then follow the so-called "Loop", which will guide you round the city centre. From the A58(M) keep your eyes open for the A660 signposted to Skipton or signs to the University, Headingley or Otley.

A660 to Skipton

This will take you out of Leeds going north on Woodhouse Lane which turns into Otley Road passing Leeds University on your left and later the Skyrack pub also on your left (where you would turn left along St Michaels Road for Headingley Parish Hall - home of our Tuesday night dances).

Skyrack Public House on your left

You will come to a small roundabout at West Park where the A660 forks off to the right.

West Park roundabout and parade of shops

Turn left along Spen Road when you see this signpost.

West Park roundabout signpost

After about 0.2 mile fork left along West Park Drive just after a pillar box.

West Park Drive

A further 0.25 mile and you will come to a crossroads; turn left into Spen Lane. Follow Spen Lane and the Centre is about 0.1 mile on the left just after Arncliffe Road.

Travelling from all other directions head for the A6120 Leeds ring road and find the traffic lights at Spen Lane about 0.3 mile in the Bradford direction from the roundabout at the junction of the A660 and the A6120 at West Park.

How the signpost may appear at the junction of the A6120 and the A660. This is the view heading North out of Leeds.

Roundabout at junction of A6120 and A660

Spen Lane junction heading West towards Bradford.

Turn left into Spen Lane

Spen Lane junction heading East towards Harrogate and York.

Turn right into Spen Lane

Follow Spen Lane and the Centre is about 0.35 mile on the left just after Arncliffe Road.

The visitor entrance to the centre is not very well signed (look out for two stone gateposts). The biggest car park is the first turning on the left (coming from the ring road, A6120) - walk through a rather scruffy passageway to the main entrance and a second smaller car park which is accessed by taking the next left after the visitor entrance (it is just before a small roundabout by a parade of shops).

West Park Centre visitor entrance

This is the second, smaller car park entrance, just around the bend from the visitor entrance.

The second car park entrance

The view of the West Park Centre entance from the second smaller car park.

West Park Centre

View Google Maps here for a zoomable map, satellite or hybrid view of Leeds Contra's dance halls for 2007.


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